DONATE TODAY! Your financial contribution to our work allows CSDA to continue to provide quality programming, events, publications and support for the Canadian decorative arts and design community. Please state in the comment field if your donation is earmarked for a specific campaign. If not, the donation will be assigned to our general fund. Other ways to donate:Purchase an item in our Online Shop. Send an e-Transfer to, indicate full name and complete mailing address in Notes. Pay by phone, call 647-249-6280 or email administrator[at]csda-ccad[dot]org Mail your payment toCanadian Society of Decorative Arts P.O. Box 235, Station Q (Registered Charitable Organization No. 886343391RR0001). VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
The CSDA/CCAD is a national non-profit organization that works to promote an awareness and appreciation of the decorative arts and design in Canada. Donations help fund a wide variety of CSDA projects, such as the annual Symposium, programming, special events, Ornamentum magazine, and public engagements. Volunteering offers incredible opportunities to CSDA/CCAD Members and those interested in the decorative arts. In addition to making a difference, it provides volunteers with opportunities to build relationships with like-minded people, connect with the decorative arts community, develop new skills, and hone existing ones. Participation as a volunteer can be in person, by phone, or online. To apply, download the CSDA/CCAD Call for Volunteers 2024-2025 BOARD NOMINATIONS The CSDA/CCAD welcomes expressions of interest for positions on our Board of Directors. We welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds. Priority will be given to those with the following competencies: Fundraising, Accounting and Finance, Programs and Event Management; Marketing & Communications; and Technology. Positions run for a two-year term. Nominees must be a CSDA/CCAD member in good standing. Download the board nomination background document. See Finance responsibilities HERE. Download the nomination application (Deadline August 30th) JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Newsletter Editor Part Time (paid position) - Contact CSDA MARIAN BRADSHAW LECTURE SERIES In 2019 with the help of Marian's family, colleagues and friends we launched the MARIAN BRADSHAW LECTURE SERIES, held annually during our Symposium or at a special venue. Past Lecture Speakers
Make a donation in memory of Marian Bradshaw. | DONOR RECOGNITION Many thanks to our generous supporters and donors.
2024 Symposium Donors/Sponsor
2024 John Fleming Award
2024 Ornamentum Magazine Campaign